Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Her The Future

The world will be hers

Towards a safer world sees the progressive growth of women in very things.

'She is a girl!' (stereotype) that's where the dreams and space of her is taken away. We all were grown up by a women who always feel happy about the empowerment of them, eventhough most of that generation were confined to kitchens.

I would like to be a feminist because I care for those who were behind my success at very point of time. Chauvinistic?? It was years back .. we should be feminist inorder to fight for the very right, women are fighting for the years.

They are everywhere competing equally with men. I see 54 women contingents representing my country for Rio Olympics. There are women who hold key portfolios in PMs office, chief ministers, bureaucrats and Army officers. I can say my country can be role model for women out there who wants to live a life which is independent.

Let them not be behind our success, let them taste it. Let us give them the safety they need. Let the stereotypes fade away. Wish this world accepts what they truly are. 'Guides to our lives'.

Thank every women who was there in our life at some point of time and wish all happy future ahead.

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